Friday, August 13, 2010


A concept from my head that I've been trying to illustrate for awhile, I horror-like dungeon setting, I've been doing alot of close up 1 plane generic pieces but hopefully after this I'll try to be more 3 dimensional with my perspectives. PCS3, Been working on it on and off. Yes I abuse "Lighting effects" but everything is merely a tool for something bigger right

Of course I have multiple copies because I'm working on something I'm an extreme a head case. I've been working alot on using different brushes and while also abusing the rendering filters like I did with my Samus piece. Hopefully I'll try out more scenic things.

My original heart is a little "red" but before I managed to "spook up" the hue of the latter version I became pretty satisfied with the range of color I had put in.

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